March 27, 2008


I eat cookies all day

I was thinking the other day that if you were to rank the top five items I eat the most (in terms of both quantity and frequency) it would probably go something like this:

5. Various fast food chicken sandwiches (Carl's Junior and Sonic both have great chicken sandwiches)

4. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (made restaurant style with processed cheese slices)

3. Cold Cereal (I actually don't eat this that much, but it adds up)

2. Various permutations of homemade tacos/burritos/nachos (There's a funny Jim Gaffigan bit about mexican food being the same 3 ingredients prepared in different layers. It's true)

1. Cookies from the cafeteria at work (These are all freshly baked and vary depending on the day, but the peanut butter ones are money)

Pretty unhealthy uh? Check out the top 3 beverages:

3. Diet Pepsi (for when they don't have Diet Pepsi Max)

2. Diet Pepsi Max (This is just Diet Pepsi with more caffeine)

1. Coke Zero Cherry (The king of beverages!)

I know what you're thinking, "If you eat junk all the time, why do you bother with the diet sodas?" Answer: I don't know. It probably has some thing to do with the fact that I'm on the long road to ending up exactly like my Dad (except with hair).

At this point I'm surprised I can even make it up the hill to campus, let alone go snowboarding every week. Don't be surprised if I die abruptly from an extreme onset of intense heartburn.

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You need a wife.
I had one of those cookies at work tonight...not impressed. Perhaps it was because I didn't get your flavor. Like all food prepared on sight here at work, I felt unsafe eating it.
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