March 24, 2010


Old Man Strength

This last weekend my family underwent some early spring yard work. Awesome!

As part of this there was digging, raking, pulling weeds, and the general dragging around of large tarps heaped with branches.

I have crappy lower-lumbar strength or something, so this more or less reduced me to a heap of wussy, quivering man-flesh on the ground.

What I want to know is when I get to have old man strength.

You know what I'm talking about: A 75-year-old farmer flings bales of hay around like they're empty cardboard boxes. Middle age men with massive beer guts and slipped discs carry a piano up three flights of stairs. Heck, I've seen my old man dead lift a 300 pound Armoire over his head and into the bed of a truck, with his fingertips!

I know old man strength exists, I just wonder when it's finally going to kick in for me. Is it a realization of your own mortality? Is it just a sum affect of all the experience and wisdom of your years? Is it just being...old?

At any rate, I feel that when I finally do get my old man strength it won't be used for anything very cool; I'll be pushing around boxes filled with dusty sports equipment with my bum crack showing. I can't wait.


A nice story i liked it,thanks
self improvement article

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