March 24, 2009


you tube explosion

How did life even exist before you tube? I mean really, how did we live without the ability to instantly conjure up images and sound of literally anything you can think of? Lately I've been getting caught up in watching rarely heard instruments played by lovingly-obsessed social outcasts. Case in point: This weird Japanese guy who makes his own ocarinas out of various fruits and vegetables. Someone get him in a Wes Anderson movie!

Also, I have watched pretty much every video that contains a theremin performance in it. I don't know, there's just something about playing an instrument that requires you to wave your hand in front of it like a palsied freak that just makes me want to run out and buy one.

Perhaps the most exciting of my recent you tube discoveries, the next videos focus on the lovable (or depending on your disposition, horrifying) animatronic animal band "The Rock-afire Explosion." These guys should be familiar to you if you ever visited a Show Time Pizza or Chuck-e-Cheese sometime in the late eighties/early nineties. Someone has made a documentary about what happened to these guys and it looks absolutely amazing:

The guy from the trailer, Chris Thrash, has his own Rocka-fire Explosion and you can bid on the chance to have him program any song you want for the band. That it how amazing/creepy/incomprehensible videos like this exist:

I like the Arcade Fire one, but this Fergie-Ferg one really seems more "raw" and "real" and "in your face" to me. That Mitzi Mozzarella has talent!

Side note: The name "Rock-afire Explosion" has a certain ring to it that I love. I'm now planning on naming my first born child "Rock-afire Explosion McMurdie Thompson."


If I learn to play the theremin, will you let me join your band? These videos are incredible. We REALLY need to get some jai-roes before I leave this here state. Call me if you are coming to SLC, and we will call if we go to Logan. We have been wanting to head up there lately...we'll probably wait for it to warm up a few degrees, though.
"Animatronics is like everything there is in the universe put together." Haha, sadly some of my greatest childhood memories happened at Chuck E. Cheese listening to those guys too.
The kid's name is cool and all but are you sure about the "McMurdie" part?

(Please tell your mom that I'm just teasing....)
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