February 12, 2009


A summary of my achievements

No one has ever accused me of being accomplished, but maybe it's because I've just been too modest about it. Well, no more. Here is a list of my achievements:

1. Coloring contest sponsored by "Oh Boy, Oberto!" Brand beef jerky.

Prize: T-shirt featuring the Oh Boy, Oberto! racing boat.
What did I do to deserve this?: I probably colored in the lines pretty good for a kid, I'm not really sure.
Year: 1992?

2. Book it! reading program sponsored by Pizza Hut.

Prize: Several coupons for free personal pan pizzas (I freaking OWNED the Book it! program when I was a kid). I remember going down to the Pizza Hut attached to the Kmart and getting my pizza, then going next door to the video rental store that inexplicably sold pogs and buying several of those. I was a rad 10-year-old.
What did I do to deserve this?: I read a large amount of books.
Year: 1994-1996?

3. Geography Bee Champion, Windridge Elementary School

Prize: A fanny pack with the National Geographic Society logo on it, a certificate of achievement and a 2 liter bottle of Sprite.
What did I do to deserve this?: I was able to correctly answer a bunch of geography questions, apparently. The question that won it all for me was correctly knowing about the existence of The Gaza Strip, either that or that France had recently tested a nuclear bomb.
Year: 1996

4. Farmington Jr. High's Track MVP Award.

Prize: A trophy with a golden runner guy on the top. (I wasn't even at the post season track team party when this award was announced because I had a paper route and I had to go straight home after school that day. This is still probably the greatest regret of my life.)
What did I do to deserve this?: Run, jump.
Year: 1998

Don't act like you're not impressed. All of these are featured prominently in my resume.

I'd hire you
We had a man apply at my work once and on his resume he put "Sword Making Skills".

I don't see any skills of that magnitude so I wouldn't even consider you for a job.

And one time, I went on a date with a guy that made chainmail. That isn't really relevant but it kind of went along with making swords, which in itself had nothing to do with your post.

I'm tired.
Impressive. It is too bad you piqued in 1998. I am in the same boat. Most of my notable achievements came before high school. I have this huge golf trophy for winning a scramble at Fore Lakes Golf Course in 1991. Thing is, I am not sure that I really won it. I remember some guy calling the day after the match and saying, "Alec, you won the scramble yesterday, right?" To which I responded in the affirmative (I am not completely sure I even knew I was in a golf tournament at the time). This is good stuff...I may have to turn this into a blog post myself. Thanks, man. Thanks.
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