February 23, 2008


The Ballad of Dixie Golden

I like to write fiction sometimes. It's not good in the traditional sense that "people" would actually want to "read" it, but it makes me feel creative and important.

One thing that drives me crazy is trying to come up with names for characters. I always end up calling them "Jim Richards," or some other equally boring name. Because of this I took a look in the white pages and wrote down a few (real) names I find especially evocative. Here are names and some thoughts on what kind of character the name brings to mind:

Leon Lipsky:
Leon Lipsky is from Hackensack, NJ and runs a small insurance company from his study. He has been divorced three times and now has taken to visiting the corner bar in hopes of meeting a "normal broad" instead of all the "crazy jewish girls" he normally sees. He has two cats, Wilma and Muffin and a receding hairline.

Elaine Peaslee:
Small boned, with bright, darting eyes and a crinkled brow. Her children have three times attempted to place her in a rest home, but she has three times evaded their efforts by threatening to take them out of her will. She holds a considerable amount of Iowa farmland and still drives her 1978 ford pick-up around the edge of the property every morning.

Dixie Golden:
A former beauty queen, no one is sure how old Dixie Golden is. She walks around her designer retirement community wearing enormous sunglasses that hide the top half of her face. The lower half is the color and approximate consistency of a brown paper bag. She pauses now and then while walking, and readjusts the sleeves of her bedazzled sweat top. Curious eyes track her movement down Via La Costa Way until disappears around the corner.

Ron Birdsong:
On the eastern edge of Lake Tahoe there is a recreational vehicle. Inside this vehicle, at the steering wheel, sits a young man holding a bowie knife in his left hand. He checks his watch, which is located on his right wrist, and then looks forward, his eyes glassy and unfocused. There is a knock on the door of the RV. Ron doesn't move immediately, only tightens his grip on the bowie knife.

See, that's fun, right?

I now have an assignment for those of you who are so inclined. Pick one (or more) of the names below and write a brief description of how you imagine that person to be. What do they look like? How old are they? Etc.. Post it as a comment and we can all revel in our combined creativity! It will be like an episode of This American Life! Here are the names:

Howard Blodgett
Bernard Rupnik
Rosalie Daywalt
Dietmar Hell
Renee Hixton

Bernard Rupnik

Bernard is in his eleventh year working for an oil field in northern Alberta. Tobacco stains and halitosis loom from his dismal smile. His two children Jarome and Roman are named after members of his beloved Calgary Flames.
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Renee Hixton

Renee stares unfocused across the break room with her flat diet coke in hand. Feeling like her everyday hair dew of a thick brown braid and "neutral" colored scrubs, will be what she dies in. She used to feel like being a nurse was almost something glamorous. Helping save lives along side those handsome doctors. Ten years ago, in her twenties, she didn't realize how different EVERYTHING is on television. How was she supposed to ever find someone decent when she was here so much she doesn’t even notice the “Hospital smell” anymore, as if it were her home….
Does the "nurse" remind anyone else of Rebecca? (Perhaps it's just the scrubs and braided hair)

Rosalie Daywalt

Rosalie was born and raised in Lubbock, Texas. She just turned 17 and recently found out that she's pregnant with her ex-boyfriend Bud's baby. She loves to rat her peroxide-damaged hair high and prefers only blue eye shadow. She wears tube tops year round, although her physique is less than perfect, seeing as her favorite foods are Cheetos and Red Vines.
Hmmm does the skank remind anyone of Michelle or maybe just the blue eye shadow and illegitimate children... ha ah just kidding. Chase you're probably sorry you asked us to do this huh?
TOTALLY uncalled for! You wear scrubs to work and sometimes wear your brown hair in braids, am I right?
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